
Terms & Conditions for Accommodation Contract

第1条 適用範囲

1. 農家民宿 栃堀の風(以下、当宿)が宿泊者との間で締結する宿泊契約及びこれに関連する契約は、この約款の定めるところによるものとし、この約款に定めのない事項については、法令又は一般に確立された慣習によるものとします。
2. 当宿が、法令及び慣習に反しない範囲で特約に応じたときは、前項の規定にかかわらず、その特約が優先するものとします。

 1. The Accommodation Contract and related contracts to be concluded between the Guesthouse “Wind of Tochibori” (here in after “the Guesthouse”) and the Guest shall be based on this Contract under the following terms and conditions of our Contract. Any matter not stipulated in this Contract shall be governed by ordinance and generally established practice.
 2. When the Guesthouse has agreed to conclude a Special Contract without conflicting with ordinance and established practice, the said Special Contract shall prevail.

第2条 宿泊契約の申込み

1. 宿泊者は、次の事項を当宿に申し出ていただきます。
2. 宿泊者が宿泊中に前項第2号の宿泊日を超えて宿泊の継続を申し入れた場合、当宿は、その申出がなされた時点で新たな宿泊契約の申込みがあったものとして処理します。

 1. The Guest who intends to apply to the Guesthouse for an Accommodation Contract will be required to provide the Guesthouse with the following particulars:
 (1) Name(s) of Guest(s) and contact information to be registered.
 (2) Date(s) scheduled for overnight stay and estimated time of arrival and departure.
 (3) Other information considered necessary by the Guesthouse.
 2. In the case that the Guest has requested, during his/her stay, an extension of an overnight stay beyond the date described in the preceding Paragraph (2), the Guesthouse shall handle his/her request as a new application for an Accommodation Contract which has been made at the point in time when the said request has been made.

第3条 宿泊契約の成立等

1. 宿泊契約は、当宿が前条の申込みを承諾した旨を、宿泊者へ通知したときに成立するものとします。ただし、当宿が前条の申込みを承諾をしなかったことを証明したときは、この限りではありません。
2. 当宿が前項の通知を送ったにもかかわらず、宿泊者の故意又は過失でこの通知を受け取れなかったときも、宿泊契約は成立したものとします。この場合は、状況に応じ、第5条第2項の規定により違約金を申し受けることがあります。
3. 当宿の過失により前項の通知が送られなかった場合の対応は、第4条の規定に準じます。
4. 当宿は、前各項に定めるほか、宿泊契約の成立に関して、状況に応じ特約を定めることができるものとします。

 1. The Accommodation Contract shall be considered to have been concluded at the time when the Guesthouse has accepted the application described in the preceding Article, and send a notification to the applicant, unless the Guesthouse has certified that the Guesthouse has not accepted the said application.
 2. An accommodation contract shall be concluded in case of that the Guest has not been able to receive the notification of preceding paragraph due to the intention or fault of the Guest although the Guesthouse has sent it. In this case, depends on the situation, the Guest shall be charged a penalty pursuant to Article 5 paragraph 2.
 3. In case of that the notification of preceding paragraphs has not sent by negligence of the Guesthouse, it shall conform to the provision of the Article 4.
 4. In addition to that set forth in each of the preceding paragraphs, the Guesthouse may set special provisions on the details of the Conclusion of an Accommodation Contracts according to situation.

第4条 宿泊契約締結の拒否及び当宿の契約解除権

1. 当宿は、次に掲げる場合において、宿泊契約の締結を拒否、又はに宿泊契約を解除できるものとします。
2. 当宿が前項の規定に基づいて宿泊契約を解除したときは、宿泊者がいまだ提供を受けていない宿泊サービス等の料金はいただきません。

 1. The following are cases where the Guesthouse will refuse or cancel the Conclusion of the Accommodation Contract:
 (1) When the application or contract for accommodation is violated on these Terms and Conditions and the Rules of Use.
 (2) If the applicant for a room of the Guesthouse has not been able to receive the notification from the Guesthouse prescribed at the Article 3 for any reasons.
 (3) When there is no room available due to full occupancy.
 (4) If an applicant applies for a room without actually intending to stay overnight.
 (5) If an applicant for a room is a member, or related to a member, of an organized crime group, a body related to an organized crime group, or other anti-social forces in accordance with the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members and the ordinances concerning the elimination of organized crime groups.
 (6) When the Guest seeking accommodation is considered likely to behave in violation of the provisions of the ordinance, public order or good public morals.
 (7) If an applicant for a room is consequently likely to annoy Guesthouse’s staffs, residents and neighbors, or interfere with the Guesthouse’s operations, or an act is committed by a Guest which hinders fire prevention or protection.
 (8) If, in connection with the use of a room, the Guesthouse is required to provide services beyond the generally accepted scope or to incur such other burden.
 (9) If an applicant for a room has been clearly identified as a contagious or infectious disease carrier or having a serious physical or mental illness.
 (10) If a room cannot be provided due to natural disasters, facility breakdown, or some other compelling reason.
 (11) If circumstances similar to the preceding items (10) and (2), including the prospect that the rooms will have to be let on a preferential basis to disaster victims and recovery crews, etc., due to natural disasters or some other state of emergency.
 (12) If a minor stay or applies for a room without the approval of his or her Guardian.
 (13) In other cases where the Guesthouse may refuse a room occupancy application in accordance with laws, ordinances, etc.
 2. In cases where the Guesthouse has cancelled the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraphs, charges for accommodation service, etc. which have not yet been offered to the Guest shall not be receivable.

第5条 宿泊者の契約解除権

1. 宿泊者は、当宿に申し出て、宿泊契約を解除することができます。
2. 当宿は、宿泊者がその責めに帰すべき事由により宿泊契約の全部又は一部を解除した場合は、別表第2に掲げるところにより、違約金を申し受けます。
3. 当宿は、宿泊者が連絡をしないで宿泊日当日の21時(あらかじめ到着予定時刻が明示されている場合は、その時刻を時間経過した時刻)になっても到着しないときは、その宿泊契約は宿泊者により解除されたものとみなし処理することがあります。

 1. The Guest may request the Guesthouse to cancel the Accommodation Contract.
 2. In the case that the Guest has cancelled the Accommodation Contract in whole or in part due to causes attributable to him/her, payment of penalty shall be required as specified in the below table 2.
 3. In the case that the Guest does not arrive by 9:00 p.m. on the day of an overnight stay without informing the Guesthouse of a delay (or after the lapse of X hours past the scheduled time of arrival if indicated by the Guest beforehand), the Accommodation Contract concerned may be considered to have been cancelled by the Guest and will be handled accordingly.

第6条 宿泊の登録


 In case of that the Guest resides outside of Japan, the following information will be required on the Guest’s arrival; nationality, passport number, place and date entered to Japan.

第7条 客室の使用時間

1. 宿泊者が当宿の客室を使用できる時間は、15時から翌朝10時までとします。ただし、連続して宿泊する場合においては、到着日及び出発日を除き、終日使用することができます。
2. 当宿は、前項の規定にかかわらず、同項に定める時間外の客室の使用に応じることがあります。

 1. The time allowed for the Guest to use the guest room of the Guesthouse shall be from 3:00 p.m. till 10:00 a.m. of the following morning, except when the Guest stays for more than one night in succession, in which case the Guest may use the guest room all day except the day of arrival and the day of departure.
 2. Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding Paragraph, there are cases where the Guesthouse may accept the use of the guest room in hours other than those specified in the preceding Paragraph.

第8条 利用規則の遵守


 While staying in the Guesthouse, the Guest will be required to comply with this Terms & Conditions for Accommodation Contract and Rules of Use of the Guesthouse as prescribed by us.

第9条 料金の支払い

1. 宿泊者が支払うべき宿泊料金は、別表第1に掲げるところによります。
2. 前項の宿泊料金の支払いは、現金、各種クレジットカード(一括払い)、交通系電子マネー、QRコード決済等(すべて日本円)にて宿泊者の出発の際に行っていただきます。
3. 当宿が宿泊者に客室を提供し、使用が可能になったのち、宿泊者が任意に宿泊しなかった場合においても宿泊料金は申し受けます。

 1. The breakdown of the accommodation charge, etc. payable by the Guest shall be as listed in the table 1 below.
 2. Payment of the accommodation charges, etc. described in the preceding Paragraph shall be made by cash in Japanese currency (Japanese Yen) when the Guest departs from the Guesthouse.
 3. In the case that the Guest has not stayed at the Guesthouse at his/her discretion even after we have offered the guest room to the Guest and made it available for him/her to use, the accommodation charge will still be charged.
 4. If, in the absence of a prior application with the Guesthouse, the number of occupants of a room is found to exceed the number stipulated in the accommodation contract by the Guesthouse, usage charges for the number of excess occupants shall be billed.

第10条 当宿の責任


 In the case that we have inflicted damage on the Guest in the course of fulfilling the Accommodation Contract and related Contracts or in breach of these Contracts, we shall compensate for the said damage, unless the said damage has been caused due to a cause not attributable to us.

第11条 契約した客室の提供ができないときの取扱い

1. 当宿は、宿泊者に契約した客室を提供できないときは、宿泊者の了解を得て、できる限り同一の条件による他の宿泊施設をあっ旋するものとします。
2. 当宿は、前項に基づく他の宿泊施設のあっ旋に努めたものの、あっ旋ができなかったときは、当宿と宿泊者での協議の上、対応内容を決めるものとします。

 1. Should the guest room contracted for the Guest under the Accommodation Contract become unavailable for him/her, the Guesthouse shall try to offer other accommodation facilities under the same conditions as the original Accommodation Contract as far as possible, subject to the consent of the Guest concerned.
 2. If the Guesthouse is unable to arrange a different lodging facility via intermediation despite the Guesthouse’s endeavors to do so in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the contents of the correspondence will be decided over discussion between the Guesthouse and the Guest.

第12条 寄託物等の取扱い

1. 宿泊者が当宿にお預けになった物品について、滅失、毀損等の損害が生じたときは、それが不可抗力である場合を除き、当宿はその損害を賠償します。
2. 現金、貴重品及び当宿で預かることができないと判断したものについては、当宿ではお預かり致しません。

 1. When the items deposited by the Guest at the Guesthouse have been lost or damaged, the Guesthouse shall compensate for the damage, unless the loss or damage has been caused by force de majeure.
 2. Cash, valuables and/or items which the Guesthouse decides not to keep, the Guest cannot deposit them to the Guesthouse.

第13条 宿泊者の手荷物又は携帯品の保管

1. 宿泊者の手荷物が、宿泊に先立って当宿に到着した場合は、当宿が了解したときに限って責任をもって保管し、宿泊者が当宿に到着した際にお渡しします。
2. 宿泊者が出発したのち、宿泊者の手荷物又は携帯品が当宿に置き忘れられていた場合において、当宿は当該所有者に連絡をするとともにその指示を求めるものとします。ただし、所有者の指示がない揚合又は所有者が判明しないときは、発見日を含め7日間保管し、その後最寄りの警察署に届けます。
3. 前2項の場合における宿泊者の手荷物又は携帯品の保管についての当宿の責任は、第1項の場合にあっては前条第1項の規定に準じるものとし、前項の場合にあっては同条第2項の規定に準じるものとします。ただし、警察署に届けた後については一切の保障をいたしかねます。

 1. When the baggage of the Guest has arrived at the Guesthouse prior to his/her arrival, the Guesthouse will keep it subject to our agreement given prior to its arrival, and will hand it to the Guest at the time when he/she checks in at the Guesthouse.
 2. In the case that the baggage or personal belongings of the Guest are found misplaced after he/she has checked out, the Guesthouse shall ask the owner of such items for his/her instructions when the owner has been identified. However, when there are no instructions from the owner or the owner has not been identified, the Guesthouse shall keep them for 7 days including the day when they have been found, and shall deliver them to a police station near the Guesthouse after a lapse of 7 days.
 3. The responsibility of the Guesthouse regarding the custody of the Guest’s baggage or personal belongings in the case of the preceding two paragraphs shall conform to the provision of the preceding Article 12 paragraph 1 in the case of this Article paragraph 1, and to the provision of the preceding Article 12 paragraph 2 in the case of the preceding paragraph 2 of this Article. However, the Guesthouse may not responsible after the baggage or personal belongings of the Guest have been delivered to the police station.

第14条 駐車の責任


 When the Guest uses the parking area of the Guesthouse, the Guesthouse only lends the parking area and does not assume responsibility for care and custody of the vehicle parked. However, the Guesthouse shall be liable for compensation if and when the vehicle parked is damaged intentionally or negligently on our side while keeping the parking area under our control. In the case that the Guesthouse has suffered damage due to the intention or fault of the Guest, the Guest will be required to compensate to the Guesthouse for the said damage.

第15条 約款の改定


These Terms and Conditions may be revised from time to time as necessary.

別表第1 宿泊料金等の内訳



1. 別表第1及び備考に定める事項により、宿泊料金の合計が算出されます。
2. 別表第1において、大人とは中学生以上の宿泊者を指します。
3. 小学生以下のお子様の宿泊料金は、大人に準じる食事と寝具等を提供したときは別表第1の70%、寝具のみを提供したときはこの料金表にかかわらず一律2,000円(税別)となります。寝具及び食事を提供しない幼児については、宿泊料金は申し受けません。

Meals with an overnight stayTotal cost to be paid for an overnight stay by an adult guest
Dinner and breakfast8,800 yen (tax included)
*9,800 yen (tax included) for single occupancy
Breakfast only6,600 yen (tax included)
Without meals5,000 yen (tax included)

 1. The total accommodation charge will be calculated based on these table 1 and Note.
 2. “An adult” in the above table 1 is 13 years old or older.
 3. If a child of 12 years old or less takes meals and uses bedding on the same basis as an adult: 70% of the adult’s charge of the Table 1. If a child only uses bedding: 2,000 yen. If a child (infant) does not take any meals or use bedding: Free of charge.

別表第2 違約金


契約解除の申出を受けた日 不泊 当日 前日 2日前
100% 100% 70% 50%

1. 「%」は、宿泊料金の合計に対する違約金の比率です。
2. 宿泊者が宿泊中に宿泊期間の短縮を申し出て、それを当宿が承諾した場合、その短縮日数にかかわりなく1日(初日)分の違約金を申し受けます。
3. 当宿は、前各項に定めるほか、違約金について宿泊契約の内容等に応じて特約を定めることができるものとします。

Day when cancellation notice receivedNo showAccommodation day1 day prior to accommodation day2 days prior to accommodation day

 1. The “%” is the percentage of the Penalty against the total accommodation charge.
 2. In the case that the Guest requests to reduce the number of days for accommodation and accepted by the Guesthouse, penalty for one day (first day) shall be charged regardless of the number of days reduced.
 3. In addition to that set forth in each of the preceding paragraphs, the Guesthouse may set special provisions for penalties according to the contents of the Accommodation Contracts.


Rules of Use


1. 当宿内での次に定める行為は固くお断りしております。
2. 宿の建物や備品等が何らかの理由で汚れたり破損した場合は、その保全のため、できる限り早めにお知らせください。

To ensure the safe and comfortable use of the facilities by the Guests and to preserve the Guesthouse’s public nature, the Guesthouse has established the following rules integral to the Terms and Conditions for Accommodation. At the Guesthouse’s discretion, violation of these Rules of Use may lead to termination of the Accommodation Contract pursuant to Article 4 of the Terms and Conditions.

 1. The following acts shall be strictly prohibited on our premises.
 (1) The number of occupants of a room exceeds the number stipulated in the Accommodation Contract.
 (2) Smoking including but not limited to electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco.
 (3) Bringing any animals (except for guide dogs).
 (4) Bringing combustible or inflammable explosives and volatile fuels, items detrimental to room hygiene, substances controlled in accordance with laws, ordinances, etc, and any items which likely to harm or annoy Guesthouse’s staff, residents, or neighbors.
 (5) Bringing a lot of foods, beverages and alcohols.
 (6) Changing the location of equipment and articles of the Guesthouse, or modifying, intentionally damaging, removing them from the Guesthouse, or using such equipment and articles in ways other than originally intended.
 (7) Leaving personal effects outside the Guests rooms.
 (8) Accessing facilities not intended for use by guests. Entering inside of the Guesthouse with shoes on (except entrance).
 (9) Profit-oriented activities without the Guesthouse’s permission.
 (10) Engaging in acts in loud speech or action without considering that annoys Guesthouse’s staff, residents, or neighbors.
 (11) Engaging in any other acts in violation of public order and morals, and detrimental to the safety and hygiene of the Guesthouse’s premises.
 2. Please let Guesthouse’s staff know immediately in case the equipment and articles of the Guesthouse are damaged or uncleaned for any reasons for the purpose of maintaining the safety of our premises.


Supplemental Request for our Guests


 Bugs and other wild animals such as wild boars and monkeys frequently appear in and around the Guesthouse. Since our life is always side by side with nature, there are days of fluctuate temperature and unpredictable weather. Such inconvenience and harshness of nature are also a part of life at this Guesthouse. We would appreciate it if you could kindly accept such living things and circumstance.